

The dtmapi package provides functions to interact with the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) API. This vignette demonstrates how to use the package’s functions to fetch data from the API. The functions covered include:

  • get_all_countries()

  • get_all_operations()

  • get_idp_admin0_data()

  • get_idp_admin1_data()

  • get_idp_admin2_data()

Install Package

The dtmapi package is available on CRAN and can be installed using the following command: :


Load Package

After installation, load the package using library():


Get All Countries

The get_all_countries() function retrieves a list of all countries from the DTM API.

# Fetch all countries
countries_df <- get_all_countries()

# Display the first few rows of the data frame
#>                         admin0Name admin0Pcode
#> 1                      Afghanistan         AFG
#> 2              Antigua and Barbuda         ATG
#> 3                    Bahamas (the)         BHS
#> 4                            Benin         BEN
#> 5 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)         BOL
#> 6                     Burkina Faso         BFA

Get All Operations

The get_all_operations() function retrieves a list of all operations from the DTM API.

# Fetch all operations
operations_df <- get_all_operations()

# Display the first few rows of the data frame
#>                                   operation operationStatus          admin0Name
#> 1                           Aceh earthquake        Inactive           Indonesia
#> 2                    Armed Clashes in Sudan          Active               Sudan
#> 3          Armed Clashes in Sudan (Monthly)          Active               Sudan
#> 4         Armed Clashes in Sudan (Overview)          Active               Sudan
#> 5                       Arrivals in Armenia          Active Republic of Armenia
#> 6 Bahamas (the) - Hurricane Dorian Response        Inactive       Bahamas (the)
#>   admin0Pcode
#> 1         IDN
#> 2         SDN
#> 3         SDN
#> 4         SDN
#> 5         ARM
#> 6         BHS

Get IDP Data at Admin Level 0

The get_idp_admin0_data() function retrieves Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) data aggregated at the country level.

# Fetch IDP data at Admin Level 0
idp_admin0_df <- get_idp_admin0_data(CountryName='Ethiopia', FromRoundNumber=1, ToRoundNumber=10)

# Display the first few rows of the data frame
#>       id                operation admin0Name admin0Pcode numPresentIdpInd
#> 1 209494   Countrywide monitoring   Ethiopia         ETH          1696145
#> 2 209495   Countrywide monitoring   Ethiopia         ETH          1742461
#> 3 209496   Countrywide monitoring   Ethiopia         ETH          1613436
#> 4 209715 Northern Ethiopia Crisis   Ethiopia         ETH           131590
#> 5 209716 Northern Ethiopia Crisis   Ethiopia         ETH           378392
#> 6 209717 Northern Ethiopia Crisis   Ethiopia         ETH          1025676
#>         reportingDate yearReportingDate monthReportingDate roundNumber
#> 1 2017-12-31T00:00:00              2017                 12           8
#> 2 2018-02-28T00:00:00              2018                  2           9
#> 3 2018-04-30T00:00:00              2018                  4          10
#> 4 2021-01-31T00:00:00              2021                  1           2
#> 5 2021-02-28T00:00:00              2021                  2           3
#> 6 2021-03-31T00:00:00              2021                  3           4
#>   assessmentType
#> 1             SA
#> 2             SA
#> 3             SA
#> 4             SA
#> 5             SA
#> 6             SA

Get IDP Data at Admin Level 1

The get_idp_admin1_data() function retrieves IDP data aggregated at Admin Level 1.

# Fetch IDP data at Admin Level 1
idp_admin1_df <- get_idp_admin1_data(CountryName='Sudan', FromReportingDate='2020-01-01', ToReportingDate='2024-08-15')

# Display the first few rows of the data frame
#>        id       operation admin0Name admin0Pcode     admin1Name admin1Pcode
#> 1 1709593 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN   North Darfur        SD02
#> 2 1710019 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN   South Darfur        SD03
#> 3 1712235 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN    East Darfur        SD05
#> 4 1711984 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN Central Darfur        SD06
#> 5 1710547 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN    West Darfur        SD04
#> 6 1710053 Darfur conflict      Sudan         SDN South Kordofan        SD07
#>   numPresentIdpInd       reportingDate yearReportingDate monthReportingDate
#> 1           503200 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#> 2           793328 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#> 3            99697 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#> 4           377209 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#> 5           335301 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#> 6           217683 2020-01-30T00:00:00              2020                  1
#>   roundNumber assessmentType
#> 1           1             BA
#> 2           1             BA
#> 3           1             BA
#> 4           1             BA
#> 5           1             BA
#> 6           1             BA

Get IDP Data at Admin Level 2

The get_idp_admin2_data() function retrieves IDP data aggregated at Admin Level 2

# Fetch IDP data at Admin Level 2
idp_admin2_df <- get_idp_admin2_data(Operation="Displacement due to conflict", CountryName='Lebanon')

# Display the first few rows of the data frame
#>         id                    operation admin0Name admin0Pcode    admin1Name
#> 1 11556526 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#> 2 11556527 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#> 3 11556448 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#> 4 11556449 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#> 5 11556604 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#> 6 11556605 Displacement due to conflict    Lebanon         LBN Mount Lebanon
#>   admin1Pcode admin2Name admin2Pcode numPresentIdpInd       reportingDate
#> 1         LB3      Jbeil        LB34               15 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#> 2         LB3      Jbeil        LB34               86 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#> 3         LB3   El Meten        LB36               75 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#> 4         LB3   El Meten        LB36              125 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#> 5         LB3   Kesrwane        LB35               35 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#> 6         LB3   Kesrwane        LB35               35 2023-10-15T00:00:00
#>   yearReportingDate monthReportingDate roundNumber assessmentType
#> 1              2023                 10           1             BA
#> 2              2023                 10           2             BA
#> 3              2023                 10           1             BA
#> 4              2023                 10           2             BA
#> 5              2023                 10           1             BA
#> 6              2023                 10           2             BA

Function Arguments

Here are the descriptions for the arguments used in the functions of the dtmapi package to get IDP data. At least one of the following parameters must be provided: Operation, CountryName, or Admin0Pcode.


  • Operation: Optional; Name of the DTM operation for which the data was collected.

  • CountryName: Optional; Name of the country where the data was collected.

  • Admin0Pcode: Optional; Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).

  • Admin1Name: Optional; Name of level 1 administrative boundaries.

  • Admin1Pcode: Optional; Place code of level 1 administrative boundaries.

  • Admin2Name: Optional; Name of level 2 administrative boundaries.

  • Admin2Pcode: Optional; Place code of level 2 administrative boundaries.

  • FromReportingDate: Optional; Start date for the reporting period (format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’).

  • ToReportingDate: Optional; End date for the reporting period (format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’).

  • FromRoundNumber: Optional; Starting round number for the data collection range.

  • ToRoundNumber: Optional; Ending round number for the data collection range.